WhatsApp‘s most recent features, which is yet to be completely released to all regions, is believed to now allow users to double-tap to respond to messages in chats, rather than press and hold. The addition of new features and design upgrades to provide users more creative alternatives for private talks. The Meta-owned instant messaging network now provides 30 distinct graphic effects for users to enhance their movies and photographs during discussions. The software also makes it easy to create stickers from selfies, which increases engagement on the platform. Sticker packs can now be exchanged directly in chat rooms. Furthermore, WhatsApp has included a new shortcut for responding to a chat.
WhatsApp announced four app changes, including making it faster and easier to respond to messages with your most frequently used emoji.
The parent firm Meta said it wanted to start the new year by making the app more entertaining and easier to use. With a series of four changes,
In a blog post published on Tuesday, WhatsApp promised additional improvements and functionality for 2025. The popular messaging app now allows you to add 30 backdrops, filters, and effects to your photographs and videos.
The filters and backdrops functionality was first revealed for WhatsApp video calls in October of last year, and it has now been expanded to WhatsApp’s camera. These filters can change the colour or background of an image. Snapchat, WhatsApp’s main competition in the messaging arena, already has this capability.
Second, WhatsApp users can now convert their selfies directly into stickers by tapping the Sticker button. You can tap the Create sticker button to reveal the camera option, which allows you to take a selfie on the spot and create your sticker. The selfie stickers feature is now only accessible on WhatsApp for Android, but it is set to be added to iOS soon.
Furthermore, WhatsApp is adding the ability to directly share sticker packs in chats. Finally, WhatsApp is introducing a new way to respond to a message: double-tap it and swiftly scroll through your most-used reactions. This is a simpler UI than the current tapping and holding method for responding to chat.
The four changes were announced by Meta in a blog post and these below,
Selfie stickers: You may now use your selfies as stickers. To begin, tap the make sticker icon, which will display the camera option for taking a selfie and creating your sticker. This feature is now available on Android and will be added to iOS soon.
Quicker reactions: You may now double-tap a message to react and rapidly scroll through your most often used reactions.
Camera effects: When you take and transmit a video or photo in your chats, you can now select from 30 backdrops, filters, and effects to enhance your shots.
Share this sticker pack: Have you spotted a sticker pack that you know a friend will enjoy? You can now share them straight in chats.
If you don’t want one of your typical replies, you can still use the plus symbol to access the complete spectrum of emoji.
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