A tweet by WABetaInfo, an independent portal for information about WhatsApp revealed that WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will allow users to change colours in the instant messaging app. WhatsApp is owned by parent company; Facebook, and is one of the most used instant messaging apps and is available via app and web.
WABetaInfo, one of the platforms that give users information about WhatsApp and WhatsApp updates before they become available, shared via their twitter that ‘WhatsApp is developing a feature that allows to change some colours in their app. The feature is under development and there are no further details at this time’
In the tweet by WABetaInfo, screenshots of the imminent feature were provided to give people a mental picture of what this new feature is to look like. From the shared images provided, it looked like WhatsApp users will be able to change colours in the chat box. WhatsApp users will have the opportunity to choose a darker shade of green for the on-screen text.
For now, there is no information as to when the update will be released. WABetaInfo’s tweet clearly stated that the feature is still under development. Therefore no one, not even those on the Beta program knows when it will be available for testing or when it will be released.
Apart from this feature, Facebook’s WhatsApp is also testing another new feature. This other feature will enable users to be able to change audio message playback speed on iOS. According to reports, WhatsApp users will be able to play audio files in 1.5X or 2X speeds. Reports also say that this feature has already gotten to the Beta stage and should be released with the WhatsApp version2.21.60.11.
WhatsApp has faced quite a lot of controversy recently. This is because of its new policy update that is going to become active soon. After announcing a new privacy policy update, the company received series of backlashes and since then other instant messaging apps that were far behind in terms of users, performance, features and what have you, have found a way to the forefront.
Can these new features be WhatsApp’s way of redeeming itself?
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