Java Apps Account For 97 Percent Of All Know Vulnerability

Security firm Veracode based in Burlington, Massachusetts has release it annual State of Software Security Report for 2016 on enterprise security. The first thing to know here is that open source components in software development account for most of the security vulnerabilities. The other thing to know is that this report is based on over… Continue reading Java Apps Account For 97 Percent Of All Know Vulnerability

The White House Just Open Sourced Pres. Obama’s Facebook Messenger Bot To Help Other Governments

Facebook announced that it was opening its chatbots to the developers in April and since then they say about 30,000 chatbots have been built by 34,000 developers so far but now we know that one of the chatbot services you can find in the Facebook Messenger app belongs to the US President, Barack Obama who… Continue reading The White House Just Open Sourced Pres. Obama’s Facebook Messenger Bot To Help Other Governments

Commoditized Smartphones: Bringing 4G To Developing Countries

Your 2012-vintage phone is dead. You’re not committed to a specific carrier through a two-year contract, you don’t care about brand loyalty, and you’re not one of those people willing to spend heaps of money on leading-edge gadgets. You head online to look for a replacement, thinking you are about to put a dent in… Continue reading Commoditized Smartphones: Bringing 4G To Developing Countries