Google Maps Is Getting Augmented Reality Directions And Recommendation Features
Machine learning now gives you a version of the internet tailored to fit your specific needs and wants. Google’s been ...
Machine learning now gives you a version of the internet tailored to fit your specific needs and wants. Google’s been ...
For years, pop-up ads and pre-roll videos have been the kind of nuisance that internet users have simply had to ...
Virtual Reality is a trend that many businesses are approaching, whether if it's for games, medical application or any type ...
Amazon may be preparing to take on Snapchat and Google in the wearable glass market according to a report by ...
It's been three months since the Apple WWDC conference in California, where the company announced for the first time talked ...
Something big is coming as Apple gets ready to next step with Augmented reality a technology as a springboard into ...
As the Google Glass makes a comeback at least to the enterprise scene, here's what you need to know about ...
Have you ever missed a friend so much that you can see them in a room next to you, feel ...
Lenovo announced a smartphone last year June which was also the first one to get Tango (Google’s augmented reality (AR) ...
Augmented reality (AR) is the hot thing right now and in fact it almost stole the show from virtual reality ...
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