Having a slow network can really be frustrating and termed as a complete waste of time when surfing the internet. And with lots of internet service providers it really hard to tell which better and can deliver a faster internet network to browse. However, Security giant Cloudflare announced its new tool called which it set out to help speed up your internet connection and make it impossible for your ISP to collect your browsing history. The big news is that consumers will have more control of their data.
The company launched a new public Domain Name System (DNS) resolver service that’s supposed to protect users from spying while speeding up their experience on the web. DNS resolver services provide computers with the IP addresses they need to access servers based on their URLs.
Cloudflare partnered with APNIC, a non-profit organization managing IP address allocation for Asia-Pacific, offer its DNS service through and
“At APNIC Labs, we’re aware that the DNS is not always private, fast, or secure, and we’re always looking for ways to improve how it works,” said Geoff Huston, Chief Scientist at APNIC. “We’re working with Cloudflare to refine this basic Internet function so that users have a much more private and faster experience.”
Cloudflare is currently working with major browsers, operating systems, app manufacturers, cloud platforms, and router manufacturers to enable DNS over HTTPS. Mozilla is working to integrate the standard into its Firefox browser:
“Like Cloudflare, Mozilla cares about making the Internet faster and more privacy-conscious so people have a better experience on the web,” said Selena Deckelmann, Senior Director of Engineering, Firefox Runtime at Mozilla. “We are always looking for new technologies like DNS over HTTPS to ensure Firefox is at the cutting edge of speed, privacy and improving life online.
Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare said in a interview that:
“We think it’s creepy that user’s data is sold to advertisers and used to target consumers without their knowledge or consent,” Also “Frankly, we don’t want to know what people do on the Internet—it’s none of our business—and we’ve designed to ensure that we, along with ISPs around the world, can’t.”
These resolvers also hold a great deal of power when it comes to user safety and privacy. Because DNS is essentially the roadmap for connecting computers with servers, it’s possible to know a great deal about someone’s online behavior based on the queries they send through DNS. That’s one of the reasons Cloudflare opted to work on this service, according to Matthew Prince.
Cloudflare’s DNS is currently sitting at a global response time of 14ms, compared to 20ms for OpenDNS and 34ms for Google’s DNS, so it’s the fastest DNS resolver presently for consumers.
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