HTML5 has given developers a number of features and capabilities. Amongst these is the capability to build innovative and advanced games that users can play on their web browsers. But in order to build a truly interesting game, you have to be a truly gifted developer. For that you need tutorials. Here they are!
1. Your First HTML5 Game
This is a tutorial from on how to build you very own HTML5 game.
2. Sprite Animation with Canvas
This is a tutorial that tells you how sprites work on HTML5.
3. Creating a Game Character
Every game needs characters and this tutorial teaches you how to build them.
4. An ImpactJS Introduction brings you an introduction to the handy ImpactJS framework for HTML5 developers.
5. CreateJS
Another one from, this time they are teaching you CreateJS by building an HTML5 pong game.
6. Gamepad API
What do you do when you want to let the user connect their consoles in order to play your game? This tutorial will teach you.
7. Kinetic.js
This is an HTML5 canvas JavaScript framework and this tutorial will teach you how to create a walk cycle using Kinetic.js.
Create your own HTML5 RPG demo that is compatible with all platforms that support HTML5.
9. HTML5 Farming Game
Think you can build you own Famrville and make money? Well, here’s help with that!
10. Virtual Pet Game
Virtual animals as virtual pets in this tutorial that will help you create a pets-related game using HTML5.
11. Simple Asset Management
Want to build a simple asset management component for your HTML5 game? Here’s the way to do it!
12. Auto-Resizing
Your game has to suit a variety of screens, which is why you should add the auto-resizing capacility to it.
13. Canvas
Canvas is one of the best elemets for building HTML5 games. This will show you how by building a snake game.
14. HTML5 Mario-Style
Any gamer, whether serious or recreational, will know Mario. See HTML5 bring it back to life!